
Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

contoh jawaban interview yang tepat dalam bahasa inggris

My name is Diko Ar Shan. People call me Dik. I am twenty three years old.
I have two siblings, a big sister who already graduates for psychology major at Tarumanegara University. And a little brother who still studying for mathematic at Padjajaran University.
I studied at Labschool for junior and senior high school. I join rohis organization and manage several Islamic event.

When I college student, I studied at stie Indonesia banking school for management major and graduate with the GPA of 3.43.
In organization experience, I was chief of unit kegiatan mahasiswa, sport division, taekwondo. I also vice chief of Nippon club.
In work experience, I was internship at bank perkreditan rakyat Jogjakarta and Bank Indonesia Solo.


I am good at time management. I always scheduled my priority, when the work is given. That is the reason why I could handle all my responsibility. My college and my organizations have enabled me to discipline and prioritize my responsibility. As result the work will be effectively done.

My second strength rests on my self-motivated. I always motivated myself when I face pressure and difficult job. That is the reason why I could handle my difficult job. My family taught me to be a responsible and an integrity person. As a result, I have a responsibility to work and learn new thing, so, I can be trusted and relied by teamwork.

My third strength lies on my inter-personality. My informal education activities have enabled me to easily adapt with various working, atmosphere, individuals, and responsibilities. As a result, I can work well in team and enjoy collaborating with others to complete the project.


I am workaholic. I am happy to spent a lot of time and energy to make sure that every work is completed successfully. So sometime I exhaust myself and get sick. But I realized, it was a side effect of self-motivated. I am aware and I have tried to solve situation by regularly consuming vitamins and taking exercises.

I am a perfectionism person, I cannot continue next assignment if the first assignment is not done yet. So sometime I get a little bit frustrated when my first assignment has not been completed on time. I am aware of this problem and I have to solve problem by manage the prioritize and time table, and also finishing the first assignment as soon as possible. 

seperti itulah contohnya, mungkin terdapat beberapa grammar yang kurang tepat namun dalam interview yang dilihat bukanlah ke tepatan anda menggunakan kalimat namun kelancaran dan kepercayadirian anda dalam berbicara dengan bahasa inggris.

karena perlu dipahami bahwa interviewer anda bukanlah dosen atau guru bahasa inggris, dan perlu anda ketahuipula terkadang penguji anda juga tidak terlalu mahir bahkan tidak bisa berbahasa inggris, jadi jangan jiper alias takut dan tidak percaya diri.

beberapa perusahaan juga tidak terlalu mempermasalahkan anda dalam susuanan yang berantakan yang penting anda memiliki keinginan untuk menggunakan bahasa inggris namun hal ini tidak berlaku jika anda melamar perusahaan asing.

cara menghadapi wawancara bahasa inggris bagi yang tidak bisa bahasa inggris dengan lancar atau bahkan buta, hapalkanlah pembukaan wawancara bulat bulat dan biasanya pembukaan berawal dari perkenalan diri, dan dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan kuliah atau kerja, dan diakhiri dengan pertanyaan bonus kekuatan dan kelemahan atau kelebihan dan kekurangan anda. tidak perlu di khawatirkan pelajari tentang diri anda tulis dengan bahasa indonesia pada sebuah note, dan terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris yang sederhana dan hapalkan bulat, bulat dengan intonasi bahasa inggris yg menarik.

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